
Nieuws van de afdeling

6 December 2007

Hearing on Afghanistan: extra session organised by SP, Green Left and Troops Out

Today saw the organisation by the parliamentary groups of the SP and the Green Left, in cooperation with the Troops Out of Afghanistan Committee, of a hearing on Uruzgan, the troubled Afghan province where Dutch armed forces are currently engaged. The event preceded a major official hearing of the Standing Parliamentary Committees on Defence and on Foreign Affairs, planned for the following day, at which critics of the recently decided prolongation of the Dutch military mission have been excluded from the roster of speakers.

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6 December 2007

Nuclear Weapons on Dutch Soil: Labour Party must add deeds to words

Krista van Velzen, SP Member of Parliament and the party's spokeswoman on defence and disarmament, is "delighted", she says, that Labour (PvdA) mayors have added their voices to calls for American nuclear weapons to be removed from the Netherlands. Those endorsing the call include the Mayor of Uden, where the weapons are located. The Dutch Labour Party mayors were joined by colleagues from towns and districts harbouring US nuclear weaponry in a number of other NATO countries including Germany, Belgium, Italy and Turkey. On Tuesday parliament will vote on a motion presented by the SP calling for the removal from the Netherlands of all nuclear weapons. Will Labour members support the motion and try to make the anti-nuclear weapon position tell, or will the Labour mayors' stance remain no more than lip-service?

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6 December 2007

SP: keep noisy NATO planes out of Dutch airspace

If NATO continues to refuse to update the engines of its outmoded AWACS radar planes, the Netherlands should close its airspace to these aircraft, argued Jan de Wit in parliament on Thursday. The SP Member of Parliament's proposal won support from a majority of his fellow MPs.

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6 December 2007

SP: why did the Netherlands vote against an international enquiry into depleted uranium?

The Netherlands delegation to the United Nations General Assembly has been instructed by parliament to change its position and give its support to demands for an international enquiry into the effects of depleted uranium. A motion presented by SP defence and disarmament spokeswoman Krista van Velzen in favour of such an enquiry won the backing of her parliamentary colleagues earlier this week, yet when the matter came before the UN the Dutch delegation voted – for the second time in a month - against. Declaring that she is not prepared to put up with such a blatant negation of a democratic decision, Van Velzen is demanding an explanation from the cabinet. At the same time, the SP will be joined by Labour colleagues in organising a hearing on the effects of depleted uranium on health.

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5 December 2007

Take the lead in the banning of cluster bombs

This week in Vienna more than a hundred countries will gather to discuss how they can work together to achieve a ban on cluster bombs. A choice moment for the Netherlands to play a leading role in this historic process, argue Krista van Velzen and Huub Oosterhuis. Defence Minister Eimert Van Middelkoop, a member of the Christian Union, must dare to put Biblical ethics into practice.

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5 December 2007

SP: Outlaw import of products of child labour

Legislation is needed to make it compulsory for companies to work towards ensuring that children are not employed in the manufacture of their products, argued SP Member of Parliament Sharon Gesthuizen, party spokeswoman on economic affairs, during this week's parliamentary question time.

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