
Nieuws van de afdeling

13 September 2018

SP Success: no further broadening of tasks for European Public Prosecutor

Investigation and prosecution are the job of the Dutch national authorities, not the EU. On Thursday the Dutch National Parliament debated the proposed broadening of the tasks of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (PPO). In the SP's view, however, the PPO is like the caterpillar in the children's story that could never eat enough. Even before the PPO is properly established there's already a proposal that its mandate be extended to include combating terrorism. Parliament agreed with the SP that this was a bad idea.

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12 September 2018

SP supports creative rights but not unnecessary censorship on the Internet

Today the European Parliament votes on the enforcement of authors' rights on internet platforms, such as Youtube. The SP has always stood up for the rights of creative artists, but opposes unnecessary censorship.

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12 September 2018

'State of the Union 2018': Juncker trapped inside his own bubble

In his last ´State of the Union´ address as president of the European Commission, delivered today in Strasbourg, Jean-Claude Juncker showed just how trapped he is inside the Brussels bubble. Commenting on Juncker's speech, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said, “He's got a cheek, calling himself a friend of Greece while most Greeks have been plunged into deep poverty in recent years as a result of European policies; or calling for more migrants from outside the EU when unemployment in so many member states continues to rise. If Juncker has achieved anything, it's that the heads of governments, like lambs to the slaughter, have given ever more power to Brussels. That's why Juncker feels free in relation to policy areas such as taxation, justice, the euro and foreign policy to demand still more power for the Brussels bubble. Just like our own prime minister Mark Rutte, Juncker loves the EU. And both of them love the multinationals. So the task for the European voter next year will be to burst the bubble in a single blow.”

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12 September 2018

Dutch support for Syrian Jihadists unacceptable

SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs specialist Sadet Karabulut is demanding a thorough enquiry into how it is possible that Dutch support for rebel groups in Syria has gone directly to Jihadists and human rights abusers. “Dutch support for extremist rebel groups in Syria is completely unacceptable,” she says. “The Syrian president Assad must be driven off the political stage, so western powers have joined Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar in supporting radical Islamist militias. Yet while millions in taxpayers' money has gone to Jihadists, Assad sits ever more firmly in the saddle and the war in Syria has been prolonged. That's not only disastrous for Syrians, but means that peace has been shoved further out of sight. The SP urges the end of this permanent war, so an enquiry which turns over every stone is crucial and it's vital that the Minister of Foreign Affairs is completely open about its findings.”

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4 September 2018

Ombudsman accuses Commission of maladministration in appointment of Secretary-General

European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has taken a close look into the appointment of Martin Selmayr and concluded that there have been four counts of maladministration. 'These judgments confirm what the European Parliament itself decided in July, that the Juncker Commission acted incorrectly in the appointment of Selmayr,' says SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong. 'So it's of the greatest importance that the discussion about political appointments in the European institutions is accorded the highest priority. The most recent proposals from Commissioner Günther Oettinger are in danger of being quickly hidden away behind closed doors. We mustn't let that happen.'

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4 September 2018

SP leader Marijnissen as parliamentary year opens: 'Time for justice'

As Parliament returned from recess this week, SP leader Lilian Marijnissen marked the occasion with a speech to the think-tank The Machiavelli Foundation, based like the national legislature in The Hague. People, she said, want a coherent account of what is going on “in our country”. And quite rightly.

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