
Nieuws van de afdeling

26 March 2009

EU scraps compulsory division of energy firms: time to drop sale of publicly-owned utilities

The European Union has decided that energy corporations need not be broken up. SP Member of Parliament Paulus Jansen is therefore urging Economics Minister Maria Van der Hoeven to call a halt to the sale of publicly-owned energy firms Essent en NUON. On an initiative from the SP, Parliament today decided to schedule the affair for debate at the earliest opportunity.

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25 March 2009

European Parliament supports SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard's report on novel foods

The European Commission should, according to the European Parliament, introduce a ban on meat and milk from cloned animals. In addition, the Parliament has demanded clearer definitions regarding nano-particles in food, and the imposition of an obligation to state on foodstuff labels whether the product contains 'novel foods', or is a product of animals fed on genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

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25 March 2009

The many meanings of 'commission'

According to Van Dale’s Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal (The Dutch equivalent of the OED, or Webster's), the word 'commissie' (Commission or Committee) has a range of meanings. It can mean "persons to whom a certain task has been given by an authority". In the Netherlands this would include, for example, the Davids Commission which is investigating the Iraq war. Or, further afield, the European Commission, which forms the day-to-day decision-making executive of the EU. The word 'commissie/commission' can also mean the fee paid to one given a commission. This is well understood in Brussels, where twenty-seven Commissioners each picks up a very nice 'commission' indeed.

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24 March 2009

SP Youth will demonstrate against Brussels lobby circus

The SP youth organisation ROOD (pronounced 'rote', it means 'Red') is planning a playful action for 26th March in Brussels to draw attention to the hidden influence exercised by lobbyists on the European Union's policies. The demonstration will take place outside the European Business Summit, a cosy annual gathering between members of the European Commission, leading European politicians and representatives of Europe's corporate business.

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22 March 2009

Seven years in Afghanistan: a tragic balance sheet for the Netherlands

It's more than seven years ago that the first Dutch soldiers left for Afghanistan in order to make the country safe and begin its reconstruction. This made the Netherlands one of the pioneers of the western presence. Below, SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel, the party's spokesman on foreign affairs, draws up a balance sheet of these years. 'The Netherlands has spent many hundreds of millions of euros in a short space of time in Afghanistan. This has gone primarily on military equipment. On the ground the Afghans have seen very little of it. Just think what good things we could have done with that money!'

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22 March 2009

'The Netherlands wants less Brussels'

53-year-old Dennis de Jong from Rotterdam will top the SP's list for the 4th June European Parliament elections. De Jong, currently a special adviser on human rights and good governance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is confident of trading this post for a prominent position in the European Parliament. “We have a real answer to the disastrous neoliberal course of the governing Christian Democrat and Labour parties (CDA and PvdA) and the right-wing opposition Liberals (VVD), both in the Netherlands and in Europe. We aren't 'Europhiles', we haven't lost our senses over 'Europe', unlike the (centrist) D66 and the Green Left. Nor are we 'Europhobe' like the far right Wilders with his 'get rid of Europe' message. What we say is 'The Netherlands wants less Brussels. Cooperation okay, but what we can do ourselves, from now on we'd like to do ourselves.'

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