
Nieuws van de afdeling

2 May 2009

'SP offers a unique opportunity: left policies and less Brussels'

A few days ago the daily newspaper Trouw carried a graphic which ranked all Dutch political parties according to two criteria: more or less European integration, and – in social-economic terms – left or right. "This graphic confirmed what we have of course long known," says Dennis de Jong, number one candidate on the SP list for the European elections on June 4th . “The SP has a unique message. We are the only ones to combine less Brussels with left social-economic policies. The only ones! That means that if, as a voter, you say to yourself 'I want a humane and socially progressive policy without Brussels' neoliberal interference', then you can really only vote for one party, and that's the SP."

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1 May 2009

In April NATO celebrates its 60th anniversary with a Strasbourg Summit

Tiny Kox, Harry van Bommel and Karel Koster explain the SP's viewpoints in a number of articles.

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1 May 2009

For us the NATO debate has begun. What next?

by Senator Tiny Kox (SP)

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1 May 2009

“De Hoop Scheffer - Enough Already!”

An interview with Harry van Bommel, MP, SP parliamentary spokesman on foreign affairs

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30 April 2009

SP expresses condolences to victims of Apeldoorn tragedy

Today's national Queen's Day holiday ended in tragedy when a car was driven at high speed into the crowd waiting to see the royal family as it passed in cavalcade through the town, which lies about 90km (56 miles) to the east of Amsterdam. At least four people were killed and a number of others injured.

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30 April 2009

SP commends Spanish Premier as he urges fellow leaders not to make working people pay for crisis

Speaking in Strasbourg at a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Premier Zapatero of Spain called on his fellow government leaders not to pass, for once, the costs of the crisis on to the poor and to working people. “Let the rich who caused this crisis also pay for it," said Zapatero, a message which the SP wholeheartedly endorses. "If we have learnt one thing," the Spanish Prime Minister said, "it's that it is in precisely these sort of times that we should not be cutting back on social security and public services, but should instead be investing more in them."

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