
Nieuws van de afdeling

9 February 2010

Ukraine has chosen

In the last few days I have been in Ukraine as an observer for the elections. According to the international observers the elections were conducted fairly. Five years ago this was not the case, and street protests forced a new vote. Now the Ukrainians have elected the same man who was at that time forced to stand down, Viktor Yanukovych. With a few percentage points more, he won against Julia Timoshenko. What will this mean for Ukraine and its relations with Europe?

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6 February 2010

Van Bommel welcomes ban on discrimination against Iranian students

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel describes himself as "delighted" by the court ruling that the Dutch government must cease discriminating against Iranian students. The judgement puts an end to a recently-introduced regulation that bans Iranians from studying nuclear physics as well as from working at nuclear installations.

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5 February 2010

Weeklog Kartika Liotard: asbestos is a problem everywhere

"According to the national Health Council asbestos is much more dangerous than has been previously believed. The Ministry of Social Affairs considers that annually seven hundred people die from mesothelomia, which is demonstrably caused by asbestos. The Health Council believes it probable that a further nine hundred die from lung cancer." I read this in the Dutch national newspaper Trouw on 16th January, while an Italian cancer specialist last week told the Belgian paper De Morgen that "We expect the epidemic to peak in 2020. Hundreds of people in whom we now see no symptoms will by then have developed a tumour."

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5 February 2010

Van Bommel to act as observer at Ukraine election

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel will go to Ukraine this weekend to act as an election observer in Sunday's decisive second round presidential poll. On Friday, the SP international affairs spokesman will visit Kiev for a briefing and a meeting with the two surviving candidates, Prime Minister Julia Timoshenko and opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych. Saturday will see him fly to Odessa for a local briefing in the city in which he will be acting as election observer.

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4 February 2010

SP: message from European multinationals 'like a record that's stuck'

On 2nd February the major European multinational corporations, united in the European Round Table of Industrialists published a statement of opinion, For a competitive Europe in 2025. For Dennis de Jong, Chair of the SP group in the European Parliament, this brought back bad memories: in 1985 the same group, then headed by Philips boss Wisse Dekker, brought out a similar report, one which led to the wave of liberalisation and privatisation which has since swept Europe. "A quarter of a century later they're still singing the same song, as if an old-fashioned gramophone record was stuck on a scratch. Once again we have first of all the dogma of the free market, despite the fact that analysts the world over have pronounced neoliberalism dead."

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4 February 2010

Scriptural knowledge

Harry van Bommelby Harry van Bommel

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