
Nieuws van de afdeling

31 March 2010

Refusal to implement ban on investment in cluster munitions looks like a bad April Fools' joke

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen is furious that acting Finance Minister Jan Kees and outgoing Social Affairs Minister Piet Hein Donner are refusing to implement a ban on investment in cluster munitions. “Parliament gave its support to a motion from myself and Labour member Martijn Van Dam calling for such a ban," Van Velzen recalled. Under the Dutch system, parliamentary motions of this kind are under normal circumstances binding on the government. "I can only hope that the refusal to implement this ban is an April Fools' joke, although if that's the case it's a bad joke indeed," added the SP defence spokeswoman, who has requested a debate on the matter.

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29 March 2010

SP: ‘Tendering is leading to chaos in translation services for asylum seekers'

Failed tendering is leading to chaos in interpretation and translation services for asylum seekers. SP Member of Parliament Arda Gerkens wants to see an immediate end to a system which leaves the service to the market. “Tendering was supposed to make translation and interpretation cheaper," she says, "but what has emerged is that there aren't enough interpreters, they fail to turn up, or they speak the wrong language. It's really total chaos."

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28 March 2010

SP: European Parliament Crisis Committee must look into Kroes's penalties on banks

Dennis de Jong, SP group chair in the European Parliament, believes that the special 'crisis committee', of which he is a member, should look into the question of whether Commissioner Neelie Kroes's policy in relation to financial penalties connected to state support for insolvent banks was correct. Dutch state support for the ING bank was amongst those attracting a fine from Brussels. De Jong wants assurance that state support was given in a correct manner in the case of all European banks and to know whether the reaction from Brussels to this support was effective and even-handed.

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26 March 2010

Weeklog Kartika Liotard: Water Management

Last Monday was World Water Day. For the 18th time the UN called attention to the issues associated with water. Happily, there's nothing wrong with the quality of Dutch tap water: it's absolutely safe! According to the law, bottled water must be of the same high quality. But for a half-litre of the stuff you can pay as much as € 2, which means that a small bottle costs as much as 1,500 litres (330 Imp.Gallons/396 US gallons) of tap water.

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26 March 2010

SP: ‘State Auditors should cost Afghanistan intervention'

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel wants the 'Algemene Rekenkamer', the Dutch state's own auditors, to launch an enquiry into the total costs of the Netherlands' military intervention in Afghanistan. Included in these costs, the SP spokesman on foreign affairs says, should be the preparations which began in the spring of 2006 as well as the whole cost of the final withdrawal now under way. Van Bommel sees it as unacceptable that the withdrawal of soldiers and materiél from Afghanistan and the dismantling of the bases in the region of Uruzgan where the Dutch military was active has turned out to cost € 115 million more than the sum reserved to cover it. He is also concerned about plans to extend the military presence on the pretext of organising the withdrawal.

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22 March 2010

The consumer is best served by simple symbols on packaging

Political etiquette and food safety

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