
Nieuws van de afdeling

6 June 2010

Foreign Minister must stand up for defenders of human rights in Burundi

The SP today urged Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to take a firm stand in defence of human rights advocates in Burundi. A number of elections are on the agenda this year in the east African country, and political violence is repeatedly flaring up. Impartial human rights advocates able to conduct free investigations are badly needed.

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6 June 2010

"Deportation policy ineffective and inhuman"

Nobody should be imprisoned unless they are awaiting deportation to their country of origin, any detention must be made more humane, and nobody should be put out on the street, certainly not children. This was what Dennis de Jong, Member of the European Parliament for the SP, told the 'wake' – literally, the 'watch' – at the deportation centre at Zestienhoven airport, Rotterdam. The wake is a monthly protest organised by solidarity group 'Welkom Onthaal' (Welcome Home) in which the SP also participates. Current expulsion policy is, argues the SP, in conflict with European law, and De Jong intends to take the European Commission to task on the matter. "This policy is inhuman, ineffective and also in conflict with the rules," he explains. "I won't let the subject rest until we wee a just solution."

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2 June 2010

No to German mercenaries in Somalia

Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen must put pressure on his German counterpart to tackle the question of German mercenaries in Somalia. So says SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang, who sees such western interference as aggravating the civil war in the country. Irrgang has put a written parliamentary question to the minister asking for his comments.

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31 May 2010

SP demands UN enquiry into Israeli attack

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel expressed his shock over the attack on the aid convoy to Gaza carried out by international waters by the Israeli navy. “It is unthinkable that this has happened,” said Van Bommel, the party's foreign affairs spokesman. “What began as a just action of support for a people, the people of Gaza, being starved out, has become a tragedy. I urge our foreign minister to put pressure on Israel to allow the aid goods to pass. In addition an independent enquiry is needed, preferably to be carried out by the UN.”

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27 May 2010

Dumping of state bonds by banks must be stopped

The European 'gentleman's agreement' between banks and governments designed to counter the dumping of southern European bonds is not working. This has become clear now that it has emerged that Ageas, formally the Belgian section of the Belgo-Dutch bank Fortis, has sold such bonds to a value of at least €4.8 billion. SP Member of Parliament and finance specialist Ewout Irrgang is urging the Minister of Finance to join colleagues from other EU member states in drawing up enforceable agreements to put a stop to the dumping.

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27 May 2010

Van Bommel: Let aid goods into Gaza

Harry van Bommel is calling on Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to put pressure on the Israeli authorities to allow a fleet of eight ships carrying aid goods to Gaza to fulfil its mission. The ships carrying the aid are currently on their way to Gaza from a number of different countries with aid goods on board. Israel has threatened to use a blockade at sea to prevent the goods from being delivered. "Israel must be urged to open the border right away. That's why it's good that this aid initiative, taken out of solidarity with the people affected, has been taken. The goods must be landed."

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