
Nieuws van de afdeling

19 May 2011

‘You don’t give a new credit card to a country mired in debt’

The Netherlands must not send any more money to Greece as long as there is no prospect of the country paying off its debts. ‘If you talk to someone who works for a debt advice agency they’ll tell you – nobody has ever got out of debt by being given a new credit card. Stop treating people like fools and get to grips with this,’ SP leader Emile Roemer told Prime Minister Mark Rutte today. The SP wants to see the restructuring of Greek debt begin immediately in order to avoid still more taxpayers’ money being flushed down the grid.

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19 May 2011

European Commission opens door on shadowy advice groups

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong sees promising developments in the protracted debate over ‘expert groups’ between the European Parliament and the Commission. This week De Jong received a letter in which European Commissioner Maros Šefèoviè stated that he wanted to hold talks on expert groups with the Parliament. ‘These shadowy back-rooms have long been a subject of annoyance for the Parliament, and the Commission has until now kept the door to them firmly closed,’ says De Jong. ‘But it now looks as if this door has been opened a chink. This step in the right direction has not come a day too soon, but I will grasp the Commission’s outstretched hand with both of my own.’

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18 May 2011

Corruption: EU member states come under pressure from Commission and Parliament

The European Commission has assured the SP that it will be working much more closely with the European Parliament to put an end to corrupt practices in the member states.

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18 May 2011

SP: European Commission ignores trade unions but attends European Business Summit en masse

At least seven Commissioners are participating in the annual European Business Summit in Brussels on 18th and 19th May. Yet only one is attending the four-yearly Congress of European Trade Unions to be held this week in Athens. ‘In these times, when working people are being asked to make sacrifice after sacrifice, you might expect the Commission to be listening a little less to major corporations and rather more to the trade union movement, for example,’ says SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong. ‘I find it extremely disappointing that relations here are once again so lop-sided.’

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18 May 2011

Government supports SP: Plant characteristics no longer prey to patent rights

Henk Bleker, Secretary of State for Agriculture and Innovation, today announced an important change of course regarding the exemption of plant characteristics from patents. The move means that horticulturalists and market gardeners will be given the chance to cultivate and improve plants that have been subject to such patents. ’These are promising moves towards turning the tide on the growing power that multinationals have over our food,’ SP Member of Parliament Henk van Gerven. ‘We have been arguing for this for a long time.’

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17 May 2011

SP starts summer action against homophobia on holiday

Homophobia and discrimination on the basis of sexuality remain major problems within the European Union. The European Parliament sees frequent discussion of the issue, but often this results in no more than general statements.

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