
Nieuws van de afdeling

1 July 2011

Parliament supports SP proposal to end undue influence by Turkish and Moroccan governments

SP Member of Parliament Sadet Karabulut yesterday won the legislature’s support for her proposal to put a stop to undue influence being brought to bear on Dutch nationals by the governments of Turkey and Morocco. Parliament’s adoption of the motion means that Home Affairs Minister Piet Hein Donner will be obliged to take effective action.

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1 July 2011

Parliament supports SP motion to end arms trade with repressive regimes

No trade in arms with countries where human rights are abused and where free elections are not held: this proposal from SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk was adopted to day by the Dutch national Parliament. Delighted with the result of the vote, Van Dijk says, ‘The government left itself room to sell weapons to dictatorial regimes as a result of economic interests. The recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa have demonstrated that these weapons will be used against the country’s own population. A ban on trading in arms with repressive countries is, as this shows, entirely justified.’

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30 June 2011

SP sends home affairs minister back to Brussels

Sadet KarabulutSP Member of Parliament Sadet Karabulut today won Parliament’s support for her proposal to put a stop to Brussels’ meddling in the social housing rental sector. Her plan means that Home Affairs Minister Piet Hein Donner must now go to Brussels to tell the authorities there to stop interfering in national housing policy. ‘Thanks to the EU, people earning more than €33,000 per year will no longer be eligible for social housing, although on such a wage it’s scarcely possible to buy a house or apartment,’ Karabalut explains. ‘Donner must now go to Brussels to tell them that he can no longer agree to this threshold, that it must be raised.’

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30 June 2011

Parliament supports SP motion: Freedom of assembly is still part of Dutch human rights policy

SP international affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel describes himself as ‘delighted’ by the fact that his motion on freedom of association and assembly was approved on Friday by the Dutch national Parliament. The motion asks Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal to incorporate encouragement of acceptance of the two freedoms into his human rights policy, alongside freedom of expression. ‘Over the next few years the government wants to prioritise freedom of expression in its human rights policy, above other human rights. But these rights are often indissolubly linked to each other. I’m pleased that Parliament has given me its support in this matter.’

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30 June 2011

Taxes on multinationals: Parliament supports SP demand for openness

SP Member of Parliament Farshad Bashir describes himself as ‘delighted’ by support from Parliament for his motion calling on the Secretary of State for Finance to work towards international agreements forcing multi-national corporations (MNCs) to declare how much tax they pay in each country in which they are active. Such an obligation would mean that a public discussion could occur on the issue of the tax constructs used by MNCs to enable them to pay less tax.

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30 June 2011

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong kicks off summer post-card action against homophobia

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong has begun a summer ‘post-card’ action against homophobia throughout Europe. In an interview with the Dutch magazine Gaykrant (Gay Newspaper), De Jong explained why he has begun the action.

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