
Nieuws van de afdeling

14 April 2014

Week of truth for transparency in the European Parliament

This week it will become clear whether the European Parliament is serious about transparency or whether all of its pronouncements on the issue have been mere election rhetoric. On 14th April lobby watchdog ALTER-EU will ask all candidates in the forthcoming European Parliament elections to sign a pledge: are they for transparency or not? The SP’s European team will be keeping a close eye on this and will continue to report. We’ll see clearly which candidates really want to tackle this. On Tuesday the EP will vote on the evaluation of the transparency register, which, as SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong explains ‘is incomplete. Lots of lobbyists have yet to register. That’s why I’ve proposed a number of improvements, including an obligation on European Union officials to meet only with registered lobbyists.’ De Jong adds that ‘this is also the week in which we’ll find out whether EP president Martin Schulz can stay in office following his recent attempt to cover up matters that impugn his own integrity.’

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10 April 2014

Council of Europe must unambiguously condemn illegal annexation of Crimea

Russia’s annexation of the Crimea is a clear transgression of international law, SP Senator Tiny Kox said today while speaking on behalf of the United Left Group, which he chairs, during a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). ‘As long as Russia fails to retrace its steps, the country will be isolated from the rest of the international community. It is the job of the Parliamentary Assembly to condemn this annexation unambiguously in order to do what we must do: preserve the rule of law and protect all of our citizens.’

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9 April 2014

Brussels bank lobby must be cut down to size

The numerical strength of the financial lobby in Brussels is even greater than was expected: this was the most significant result included today in a report from Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) entitled The Fire Power of the Financial Lobby. The report shows that the financial sector spends more than €120 million per annum on lobbying in Brussels, for which it has available more than 1,700 lobbyists. Erik Wesselius, No 4 on the SP’s list of candidates for May’s European elections , says that ‘we knew that the bank lobby has, since the banking crisis, used every means to influence European decisions affecting the sector, but the figures which have now been published exceed all previous estimates. Banks, investors and speculators have their fat fingers in the pie when it comes to Brussels decision-making. The SP wants to see a Europe in which the interests of the citizens come first, and not those of the banks.’

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8 April 2014

Mass of letters and the SP confront European Commissioner on situation of truck drivers

Truck drivers took up their pens en masse to pressure European Commissioner for Transport Siim Kallas to take action against fraudulent employment practices and exploitation in the transport sector. ‘It’s really worked up a storm,’ said SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong. ‘In a few days I’ve received dozens of letters from truck drivers, not only Dutch drivers, but a lot of others who want to take action against exploitation and job losses in the transport sector. Next week I and other MEPs from all of the European Parliament’s major groups are to meet with Commissioner Kallas, and I’ll hand over the truck drivers’ letters. I believe that the Commissioner is living in an ivory tower and has no idea of the real situations in which these drivers fine themselves. If Kallas reads these letters I find it hard to believe that he’ll carry on dawdling over taking measures.’

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3 April 2014

European Parliament president guilty of culture of cover-ups and nepotism

The European Parliament today voted on the Parliament’s spending in 2012. The Budgetary Control Committee presented strong criticisms of the Parliament, yet EP president Martin Schulz attempted to stop a vote on their report from being taken. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong, commenting on Schulz’s efforts, said, ‘We in the Budgetary Control Committee have major concerns regarding the fact that EP money was used by Schulz in his personal campaign to win the presidency. We also have criticisms of the manner in which he has reorganised the Parliament’s services, clearly to get his friends jobs. This is the umpteenth time that Schulz has tried this kind of cover-up. I have myself also had extremely bad experiences of the way in which Schulz’s services are frustrating transparency within the EP. In my view Schulz is absolutely unsuitable to be in the leadership of any European institution whatsoever. With Schulz we’re bringing corruption into our own house.’

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